نسعى بخبرتنا إلى مشاركتك المسئولية لأن ماتهتم به هو إختصاصنا...
فى وسط مشاغل الحياة وضغوط العمل هل يمكنك أن تغمض عينك لدقائق تذهب بخيالك الى المستقبل لترى كيف سيكون يومك بعد التقاعد، يوم تستمتع بقضائة مع احفادك ويوم أخر تقضية مع أصدقاء العمر تذكر طرائف الماضى ما أجمل هذه الاوقات وأنت تقضيها بإسترخاء مع من تحب.
هل فكرت
• كيف ستتكيف مع وضعك المادى الجديد بعد التقاعد وتقلص دخلك الذى سيقل، بلا شك يؤثر عليك من جميع النواحى هذا بالإضافة إلى زيادة الأسعار بصورة عامة؟
• هل سيكون بمقدورك السفر للخارج للإستجمام ورؤية أماكن جديدة ؟
أياً كانت خططك للمستقبل فعليك أن تبداً الأن ليرتاح بالك مع أفضل شريك تأمين عالمى تستطيع الوثوق به والأعتماد عليه.
Death benefit is payable to beneficiaries if the insured person dies whilst the policy is in force
Total Permanent Disability
This benefit includes the payment of the death cover in case the insured person suffered from total and permanent disability due to accident and/or illness for a continuous period of six (6) months without being able to perform his/her usual occupation or any other occupation.
Accidental Death and/or Disability
This additional benefit is payable to the insured or the beneficiaries if the insured person suffers a bodily injury as a direct result of a sudden accident; causing directly within a period of twelve (12) months death or permanent disablement.
Critical Illness
This benefit is payable if the insured person suffers from any of the covered critical illnesses during the existence of the basic death cover and prior to the expiry date of the policy.
يمكنك الاعتماد على عقد التأمين من أليانز ومراجعة كل بنود العقد في أي وقت.
يمكنك ارسال جميع استفساراتك في أي وقت وسيقوم فريق خدمة العملاء بالرد عليها في اسرع وقت
On premium anniversary after the first calendar year (maximum twice a year)
An extra premium injected to the policy to increase the investment benefits that can be withdrawn anytime with profit
Protect your benefits against inflation
سيب بياناتك و هنتواصل معك في أقرب وقت
Security and protection for your family in case of death, total permanent disability or critical illness
Variety of different payment frequencies: monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually
A high level of flexibility and personal choice in all aspects of your program
The option of injecting booster payments to the program at any time, for the purpose of increasing the investment benefits at maturity
The option to partially withdraw from your investment account in case of any unforeseen financial need that arises after
the completion of first policy year
Allianz Program for Retirement is a long-term savings and investment plan designed to help you maintain your standard of living post-retirement. By planning ahead and setting aside savings on a regular basis, securing and enjoying your retirement years will not have to be a strain.
The program gives you peace of mind knowing that your beneficiaries will be financially secured. They will receive the sum assured defined for the cover in case of death, disability or critical illness and if it was due to an accident they will receive another additional amount.
Fund A
Fund C
Fund E
Fund B
Fund D
Fund I
* Refrain from investing in alcohol, tobacco, banking and entertainment stocks.
Fund E
Fund F
Fund A
Fund C
Fund E
Fund B
Fund D
Fund I
* Refrain from investing in alcohol, tobacco, banking and entertainment stocks.
Fund E