Progressive organizations need to provide a competitive set of Employee Benefits. By providing a flexible, high-value benefit packages, you'll be better equipped to retain your best talents and appeal to prospective candidates. Our Employee Benefit packages are tailored to increase the financial security of staff members, and in doing so, improve motivational and retention levels across the organization.
One of the main elements of a comprehensive benefits package must be pension planning and provision for your employees during their golden years.
Allianz Group Retirement Plan is your golden retention tool to your most valuable assets, your employees. A group retirement plan is a saving plan that has been specifically designed to meet the needs of employers and employees in Egypt.
Different Types of Flexible contribution
Additional booster injections at any time.
Variable contributions: variation rate selected by the client to overcome salary increases and inflation.
Currency options: Plans are available in US Dollar and Egyptian Pound.
Currency options: Plans are available in US Dollar and Egyptian Pound.
On retirement benefits can be paid
In case of leaving the scheme, employee may switch to individual retirement plan. (Terms and Conditions apply).
Availability of insurance coverage.
Build your pension fund portfolio according to your investment risk appetite, including but not limited to; segregate or non-segregate investments.
Access to a variety of tailor-made solutions that best suit your employees with the most competitive pricing.
Different type of plans where the sum insured can be a multiple of monthly earnings or a fixed lump sum for all employees or according to occupational level.
A dedicated Key Account Manager to manage the overall business relationship across all lines of business, as well as a dedicated Operations Account Manager to take care of all your day to day operational requests.
Clear and comprehensive seminar presentations according to the employees and management levels.
Prompt and efficient claims management.
You can count on Allianz. In our case you do not have to fear any cost traps in case of damage.
Program is offered from Allianz Insurance Company - Egypt (S.A.E) License no. 13/2001 in insurance companies registry in Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority
Allianz Life Assurance Company - Egypt (S.A.E) License no. 15/2001 in insurance companies registry in Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority