Protect Your Most Valuable Asset

Main Benefits and Features

Home Plus: Your Comprehensive Home Insurance Plan

Your home is your life. It is where you live, rest, raise your family, and where you keep everything that is valuable to you, but what if it were damaged as a result of an unexpected accident or natural disaster? Are you prepared to pay such a heavy price for something so valuable to you?

Allianz Home Plus is an affordable home protection plan designed to ensure that your home and valuable possessions will be covered in the case of accidental damage or burglary. Home Plus gives you peace of mind knowing that your most valuable asset – your home – is protected and secured.

شاركنا لتحقيق أهدافك…

بمشاركتنا سنتمكن سوياً من تأمينك وحمايتك من المخاطر التى تواجهها مع برنامج "سيفتى بلس"

  • برنامج “سيفتى بلس” يقدم لك التغطية اللازمة لحمايتك فى حالة وقوع حادث غير متوقع.
  • يغطى البرنامج ما ينتج عن الحادث من وفاة أو عجز كلى أو جزئى مستديم أو الإصابة بعجز مؤقت يعوقك من العمل لمدة اسبوع واحد على الأقل.
  • يقدم البرنامج نسبة من إجمالى المبلغ المؤمن عليه أسبوعياً لمدة تصل إلى 52 أسبوع ، مع إمكانية مد فترة الدخل الأسبوعى فى حالة العجز المؤقت لتصل إلى 104 أسبوع، و هذا ما يميز هذا البرنامج.
  • يمكنك الإبلاغ عن الحادث الذى تعرضت له بالتليفون خلال 24 ساعة.
  • نوفر لك فريق عمل يحرص على تقديم أعلى مستوى من الخدمة للعملاء.

أياً كانت خططك للمستقبل فعليك أن تبداً الأن ليرتاح بالك مع أفضل شريك تأمين عالمى تستطيع الوثوق به والأعتماد عليه.

Three strong advantages

With Allianz Home Plus, you can rest assured that you will have the financial support you need during any crisis

Coverage for Owners

Coverage to protect owners against loss of rent from tenants due to a covered accident

Alternative Accommodation

Coverage to support tenants if forced to seek alternative temporary accommodation due to a covered accident


Ability to revise and expand coverage at any time

Risk Covers at a glance

With Allianz Home Plus you are covered against
following risks:

Fire, lightening, strikes, and explosion



Natural hazards: earthquakes, floods, etc.

Water tanks overflow

Fresh water or natural gas pipe explosion

Collapse or damage of radio or TV antennas / satellite dishes

Falling trees, telegraph poles or street lampposts

Any damages to contents while moving

Damage of glass up to EGP 10,000

Loss of rent

Home Plus Covers in detail

Get a look at the protection benefits of Allianz Home Plus

Items that can be covered

Building Coverage

Building plus any fixtures, fittings or decorative finishes

Swimming pools




Home Contents





Interior decoration

Valuables: jewelry, art and antiques

Personal Accident

Insurance cover for you and your spouse in case of accident; up to EGP 50,000 per insured person

Personal Liability

Liability towards the owner of the building in case of building damage

Liability towards third party (bodily harm / damage of property)

Landlord’s liability to protect your rented property against any damage

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More information about Home Plus program

Is there a minimum fee?
How often do I have to pay?
How do I make a claim
What is your policy for replacement of goods?

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Program is offered from Allianz Insurance Company - Egypt (S.A.E) License no. 13/2001 in insurance companies registry in Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority

Other product categories

Have you thought of insuring...?

Travel and Leisure

Car and Mobility

Program is offered from Allianz Insurance Company - Egypt (S.A.E) License no. 13/2001 in insurance companies registry in Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority


How to contact Allianz
What are the services provided by Allianz?
How to apply for a job at Allianz?
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