Accidents happen all the time; on the job, at home, on the road, or even when you are having fun. Whether it is a result of risky activity or not, an accidental injury can significantly impact your quality of life. Aside from the inconvenience and pain of the damage caused to your health, an injury can limit your work performance and thus your ability to financial support your family.
Safety Plus is an affordable personal safety program designed to ensure that you will be properly secured against any accident that may result in serious injury, disability or death.
Safety Plus eliminates your worries about hospital fees, loss of income, and most importantly your family’s wellbeing.
With Safety Plus, you have the financial support you need.
أياً كانت خططك للمستقبل فعليك أن تبداً الأن ليرتاح بالك مع أفضل شريك تأمين عالمى تستطيع الوثوق به والأعتماد عليه.
A comprehensive and clearly documented contract with no hidden clauses or conditions
Fast and professional service with a flawless record of accomplishment honoring all agreements
An affordable and comprehensive program protecting you from a wide range of accidents
Get a look at the protection benefits of Business Plus
This insurance benefit is payable to the beneficiaries if the insured person suffers a bodily injury as a direct result of a sudden accident; causing directly within a period of six (6) months death.
Allianz Egypt shall pay the accident coverage amount to the insured person in case he/ she suffers a bodily injury as a direct result of a sudden accident; causing directly within a period of twelve (12) months total permanent disablement.
Allianz Egypt shall pay a percentage of the accident coverage amount to the insured person according to Policy Terms and Conditions in case he/she suffers a bodily injury as a direct result of a sudden accident; causing directly within a period of twelve (12) months partial permanent disablement.
In case of accidental temporary disability that prevents the insured from doing his work for more than 7 consecutive days.
The coverage can be extended from (52) weeks to (104) weeks in case of temporary disability preventing the insured person from doing his work more than (7) consecutive days as a minimum
The company reimburses the medical expenses, caused directly from covered accident, which resulted in temporary bodily injury or any bodily injury that prevents the insured from doing his work for more than (7) consecutive days.
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Program is offered from Allianz Insurance Company - Egypt (S.A.E) License no. 13/2001 in insurance companies registry in Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority